Adler | Six Months Old

Yes, my little guy is half a year old already! I have no idea how that happened. Time has just been flying since he was born!

I love this age so much because he's really social and talkative and adorable... but he can't run around and act like a crazy kid just yet. :) He's got a fun personality and a cute, crooked grin. He's healthy and chunky and has the best chubby cheeks I've ever seen!

Happy 6 months, Adler!!

Adler | 6 months

His big sister
Eating! (Current favorites: steamed carrots, yogurt, applesauce, pieces of bread)
Bath time
Playing in his jumper
Taking his socks off
Sucking his thumb
Being around people

Doesn't love...
His car seat
Being in a room by himself
Sitting still

Sit up on his own (for the most part)
Sleep through the night
Eat soft pieces of food
Pick things up and move them from one hand to the other
Grab his toes
Roll from his back to his tummy (still working on from his tummy to his back!)
Recognize his name

Jannicka Nord

Lifestyle family, intimate wedding, & elopement photographer in Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia, Washington.