Hadley's K-State Wildcats Party

This past weekend Hadley celebrated her 5th birthday with a Kansas State Wildcats party! All of her friends from preschool came to join in the fun, and everyone wore their purple K-State shirts. We had a blast playing games, eating cupcakes, and opening gifts. :)

(A lot of these photos were taken by Avram!)

Delicious purple and white cupcakes from our local grocery store

Hadley and I made this K-State banner

And these tissue paper pom-poms (Thank you, Pinterest!)

Wildcats banner

Goody bags

Avram got this purple football for Hadley :)

Pin-the-Wildcat-on-the-football-field game

Ready to party!

She loved these stick-on Wildcat tattoos :)

Catch the Balloon


Pass the Football (Hot Potato-style)

Freeze Dance!

Time for cupcakes

Opening presents

Playing outside!

I can't believe she's (almost) 5 years old already!!

Throwing the Frisbee to Daddy

Thank you so much to everyone who helped Hadley celebrate her birthday this year!! I know she loved it and I'm so glad that everyone could come. :)

Jannicka Nord

Lifestyle family, intimate wedding, & elopement photographer in Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia, Washington.